BlackFriars Fall 2013 | Page 2

the TRUMPET LETTER FROM THE DIRECTOR “If I am going to die then I am going to die, but I am not going to kill my baby.” a quarterly newsletter of the Dominican Foundation Dominican Friars Province of Saint Joseph PROVINCIAL Fr. Brian Mulcahy, O.P. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Fr. Kevin Gabriel Gillen, O.P. ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR Rev. Br. Cassian Derbes, O.P. DIRECTOR/COO John Lacorazza PLANNED GIVING Diana Kilarjian MARKETING/IT Barry Clark EDITOR George Goss 141 East 65th Street New York, NY 10065 (646) 350-0112, ext. 107 DONATE IN CONFIDENCE Did you know that the Dominican Foundation of the Province of St. Joseph does not provide personal information of its donors to outside groups? The names, addresses, telephone numbers and e-mail addresses entrusted to the Dominican Foundation by our donors are used solely by the foundation to communicate the needs and activities of the friars at the Province of St. Joseph. We do not under any circumstances sell or exchange our mailing list to any other organization. So you can be assured that your privacy will always be respected. For more information go to FRIARS FOR LIFE: MIRACLE ON EAST 68TH STREET Fr. Dominic Langevin, O.P. Dear Friends, P ope Francis’ motto, Miserando atque Eligendo, “Lowly but Chosen,” reminded me about a revolutionary strategy a baseball team came up with, in choosing undervalued players, to make a winning team. Billy Beane, the general manager of the Oakland A’s, and a young, untested Yale-trained junior executive named Peter Brand set aside the assumptions that had, for decades, determined the way baseball talent was assessed. Brand asked a pair of elemental questions: what wins games? Answer: scoring runs. And what makes scoring runs possible? Answer: getting on base. Therefore, he concluded, if you want to win games, you have to acquire players who have a knack for getting on base, through hits, walks, getting struck with the ball, etc. He had developed a metric for determining precisely who had that ability— and found that, more often than not, baseball executives and scouts Fr. Sylvester Willoughby, O.P., who is 92 years young overlooked or undervalued those very players. Pope Francis’ motto indicates that he does not see himself as a great intellectual theologian or philosopher like the two previous popes. But he does know that he has been chosen by God to bring people back home into the Church. I recently had the opportunity to meet with Master Bruno Cadoré, O.P., and he struck me as a very humble and joyful man who will bring many souls home to heaven. Thank you for being part of the Dominican team, it is only because of fans like you that we continue to have a winning season. Sincerely, Fr. Gabriel Gillen, O.P. Dominican Foundation • Dominican Friars, Province of Saint Joseph • 2 These were the faith-filled words of a young mother to her doctors. Married, C ]