M entitled “Theoretical aspect of any people believed that the autism: Causes--- A review” that conversation over vaccinations human DNA is currently used in 23 causing Autism had been put to vaccines. bed. Well, it’s up again and what Why is human DNA in vaccinations is not being an issue? discussed Ratajczak might scare explains that you more because when than what is. Human DNA is Vaccinations incorporate into are viewed by the Human host many people it changes and as necessary alters itself and when it the body kills comes to it. This is most their children expressed in and the the neurons of public. Many school and daycares the brain which means that the body won’t let you in without them; many is killing off brain cell that has been governmental agencies are deeming incorporated by the human DNA them mandatory. Whether you feel found in the vaccines. obligated to get your child(ren) Why would pharmaceutical vaccination, it’s always important to companies use human DNA in have all the facts. vaccinations? It seems that no This article is not to discuss one has a clear reason as to why whether or not vaccinations have a they use Human albumin (made connection to Autism however it is with human blood) or human DNA about informing you on the untold to make vaccinations. However facts about the “liquid protectent.” its seem that in the last couple of Helen Ratajczak, a former senior decades the CDC has made a huge scientist at a pharmaceutical leap as to how many vaccinations firm, created a lot a buzz when they RECOMMEND a child takes in she wrote in her article for The their life. Journal of Immunotoxicology