FOUNDERS NOTE I took quite an interest to this month issue. Black family health is at the top of my priority list when talking to anyone in my presence. Health in the black community seems to be overshadow with stereotypes and ignorance. Information about how blacks are affected by food, vaccinations and pregnancy was damn near impossible to find. I found myself trying to dig up information for hours to get exclusive reports. Which made me very proud once this issue was completed. We should advocate for more information regarding our health statistics and facts to become readily available. Advocate that our congressmen and local delegates take a stand on getting information in a timely fashion to us. Because #Black Families Matter! ~EBONY CHANTE~ MAGAZINE CONTENT PAGE 6: BEYOND EXPECTATION EMBRACING REALITY OF POSTPARTUM DEPRESSION PAGE 11: FAMILY APPROVED RECIPES PAGE 15: FIT PREGNANCY PAGE 22: VACCINATION THE UNTOLD STORY PAGE 26: CHILDHOOD OBESITY