Upper/Middle Back Best Machines: Seated cable row, lat pulldown Pregnancy Benefit: As your breasts get bigger, your shoulders round forward. Strengthening the muscles between your shoulder blades helps counteract the slump. Chest Best Machine: Seated chest-press Pregnancy Benefit: It’s important to create muscle balance in your upper body by working your pecs. Arms/Shoulders Best Machines: Biceps and triceps Pregnancy Benefit: Strong arms. Soon you’ll be schlepping a baby, a diaper bag—and the groceries. Lower body Best Machines: Leg extension and seated leg-curl Pregnancy Benefit: Your quadriceps and hamstrings bear the weight of your pregnancy as your belly grows. Core Best Exercise: Plank Pregnancy Benefit: Keeping your abs strong will help prevent pregnancy-induced back pain. How to: Lower onto all fours so your wrists are directly under your shoulders. Lift your knees off the floor (don’t arch your back) so your body forms a straight line. Hold for 1 to 2 breaths, working up to 5 breaths.