hat’s the first word you
think of when hearing Sodium
hypochlorite? The first word to
many might be DANGER!! Yet, many
people use sodium hypochlorite on
a daily basis only batting their eyes
when the chemical stings their eyes
and even then they don’t stop and
think about the product. The reason
why is because Sodium Hypochlorite
is famously known as BLEACH. Most
of us have been raised to go for the
bleach when it comes to laundry,
cleaning and disinfecting. Bleach
might work wonders for your whites
but is damaging to your health.
Bleach main squeeze Clorox has
diligently put up the front that
Bleach is as health as eating an apple
a day. We are here to confront Clorox
and all bleach making companies
on their social irresponsible to our