Black Marijuana Magazine August 2017 | Page 40

Do minority service members and veterans face greater obstacles to obtaining help, as minorities often do in the larger society?

Yes, minority service members and veterans definitely face serious scrutiny when it comes to medical marijuana because of the stereotypes and the false propaganda the media presents. As a minority, society looks at what is being displayed on television to determine how they see and judge individuals. In her book, The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America, Charlotte Thomas Iserbyt states that Americans have been brainwashed to accept a worldwide management system. Is that not happening now? When you view veteran commercials you do not see minority veterans; you see Caucasian veterans as if they are the only ones who served honorably. I am not against any veteran, but I do not appreciate how the system continues to divide us in the name of chauvinism and separatism. The military is a melting pot of various cultures and so-called minorities should be treated with the same respect as anyone else who wears or has worn the uniform.

More importantly, the laws are not equal when you consider how many veterans are jailed for cannabis. Most of them are not even aware of their legal status as a veteran or as a natural citizens. Look at what we have now, all of these so-called experts and entrepreneurs getting involved in the industry. Most of them are being lionized while many minorities are behind bars for the same business. Racism is alive and well, even in the cannabis industry.


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