It could be that… Abstract The e-waste could be eliminated or minimally reduced, because if everybody gets to work, we could all recycle, reuse and even try to donate the mentioned wastes to some people who need them or equals. In addition, when we do generate awareness to be able to recycle, these wastes could be eliminated or reduced, and at the moment of doing it, more electronic devices could be made. However, you must have an economical support to make this possible. Likewise, all this electronical waste had been caused by the same population and the excessive consumption of the same, because of that and the need to get new products each time more functional. Technology moves forward even faster than we can throw away outdated stuff, being a real problem for everyone counting other living beings and for their ecosystems, being so a mayor problem that should be taken seriously. We should make awareness, trying to recycle, reducing and reusing as much as we can. We can all fight electronic waste. against We have to give a value to the world and realize that we are hurting it. 14