Black By Degrees Magazine August 2020 | Page 2

Welcome to the fourth edition of Black By Degrees Magazine! It’s been quite a journey so far and we look forward to growing and evolving as we continue to journey down the road to the future. This month, our theme is The Black Church: Still Relevant? In this edition, we start with presenting a brief history of the Black Church’s first 100 years. Keeping with the theme, we include some input from people on how the Black church has changed over time and then we list characteristics of a relevant Black church. We lighten things up with funny and witty sayings heard at Black churches spoken by preachers and members. In this month’s A Most Interesting Black feature, we highlight the legendary Jackie Moms Mabley proclaimed as “the funniest woman in the world”. We conclude this edition with our regular feature, Living Legends by introducing to some and presenting to others six “seasoned” living African­ Ameican legends. Let’s not forget why this magazine exists. Our number one purpose is to build up a scholarship fund for African­American students attending college. So, while we enjoy bringing you relevant and interesting content each month, we don't want you to lose sight of how you, our subscribers, can help Black students afford college. We'd love to hear from you. Give us a holla to share your thoughts and opinions or simply to introduce yourself. [email protected] Kevin Morgan - Founder and Lead Editor Annual Subscription Price $9.95