Bizpreneur Middle East May 2021 | Page 39


Loneliness and power can often be used as a crutch for a variety of indulgences. Sometimes these can grossly violate your own sense of ethics and result in acts of harassment or other deviancy.

The twisted leader might think,  “Next quarter’s earnings will take care and bury these creative accusations”…and so the list goes on. But let us be clear, the minute you start down this path, it is only you who can reverse course. Others cannot do it for you.


Carl Jung famously wrote, “ Understanding does not cure evil, but it is a definite help, inasmuch as one can cope with a comprehensible darkness.”

As you rise in organizations, you have to train your body and mind to engage in non-derailing activities.

If you are religious, that can help – but the world is full of examples of religious figures that preach piety but are the most egregious violators of decency and ethics.

One cannot compartmentalize ethics and compliance – and ask the mind to be switched on and off.  I believe the mind has to be occupied with thoughts and behaviors that counter derailing thoughts. Fitness, sports, the arts, movies, downloads and tweets are all needed activities that offset and occupy the lonely mind. And it’s a very necessary engagement. Pick a few of these because each activity plays a unique role in keeping you engaged. The passionate pursuit of such activities bring a lot of happiness in life. 


3. Avoid testing yourself

I find it both alarming and distasteful to find leaders putting themselves in locations and positions that they would never want to be seen in by their peers or families. 

Business meetings are not Spring Break events.

Yet, at business conferences set in locations that cater to party goers, senior leaders suddenly regress into teenagers– is it vanity or foolishness? Either way, it is just unacceptable. If you are not capable of saying no to these invites, you deserve the consequences. Play out these scenarios in your head, and make sure you are very clear on your red lines.


4. Find power in Vulnerability 

People want access to leaders. Making the time to share your family and personal stories, is a great way to settle the mind and engage in productive pursuits. If you are willing to be vulnerable and share stories and pictures of family, children and pets, the work atmosphere around you takes on an inclusive and warm spirit.


 Make a list every month of what makes you happy – the top 5 activities. It could be a movie with your partner, a delicious meal, golf, or a book – whatever. Then reflect on how many times you are engaging in activities that keep you happy.


5. Write yourself an Obituary

Write your obituary in one paragraph at least once a year. What will be your legacy? And would you want your family and friends to read about what you did for others or for yourself? We all soon reach a phase where incremental income is not going to contribute to incremental happiness. When you reach that state, and I hope you all do, just quit. 

The mind is a powerful tool, but even if you know how to channel your thoughts it will wander off periodically. But ego, Ego is the enemy of your career. Know your weaknesses and ensure that you are winning the battle against them.

Ramesh Ramachandran is an innovative entrepreneur and executive leader in the hydrocarbon and chemical sector across the Americas, the Middle East and India with extensive experience in transformational stewardship, navigating organizations through periods of accelerated growth.


Prior to becoming the Principal at MEGVIN Advisors LLC in 2020, Ramesh was the President and CEO of the Kuwait-based EQUATE Petrochemical Company. Before this, he led a global joint venture, MEGLOBAL International.


Previously serving in key leadership roles at Dow Chemical Company in the U.S.A., Canada and India, Ramesh is highly skilled in developing and implementing comprehensive strategies based on

evolving market environments, relevant geopolitical events and overarching organizational objectives.


His leadership style fosters a collaborative work culture conducive to continuous professional development and performance improvement. Under his tutelage, Ramesh has successfully built

leaders and successors from within organizations.