Bizpreneur Middle East July 2021 | Page 20



How Can The Abrahamic Business Circle Help Entrepreneurs And Leaders?

Today, we have members from more than 56 nationalities. The Abrahamic Business Circle is a global network to stimulate and promote businesses with a worldwide vocation. 


Our members can network with each other on a global level. For example, recently, an Israeli company has started working closely with a UAE-based company ironically owned by a Palestinian. The happy result is that an Israeli businessman is working shoulder to shoulder with a Palestinian person in business across the UAE bridge. This is incredibly beautiful because apart from being a virtuous model of cooperation, it touches my heart because this is my personal dream.


As the Chairman of The Abrahamic Business Circle, our main objective is to stimulate businesses because I personally believed that through business, we bring closer relationships, and through them, friendship finally arises. With that same friendship will show the rest of the world that, although we exhibit cultural, religious, or other differences, we can still work together to share common values ​​that rest on the basis of respect, tolerance, and cultural exchange. And, in my opinion, the best example of this is the great country, the UAE.

What Is Your Main Goal For The Abrahamic Business Circle For The Next Three Years?

In The Abrahamic Business Circle, we plan to organize conferences throughout the current and future years to share our global network of contacts and experiences to our members.


We want to cover all sectors in the industries and bring business people together and the right Advisory members who will serve as mentors.  Also, an additional group in the organization are being added, the Ambassadors and Attaché, who will be the carrier of the brand to continuously promote our advocacy in fostering Economic Diplomacy in a global scale.


We believe that the Middle East has a louder voice with a great future here, alongside with its economic challenges, it needs a dedicated platform. Our biggest dream for the upcoming years is to organize big annual conventions in every part of the world, similar to the World Economic Forum. In it, high-level speakers and different think tank from all over the world will be able to share their views and engage in a rich and fruitful dialogue.

How Can Readers Find Out More About You?

They can follow me on my LinkedIn account: H.E. Dr. Dr. h.c.Raphael Nagel (

or my personal website: