Bizpreneur Middle East April 2021 | Page 27

8. Would people recommend you to others?

9. How easy it is to find you?

10. How easy is it buy and receive your product/service?

If you don’t have an answer to most of these questions, then I highly recommend taking the time to clarify exactly why and what you are offering to the marketplace, then how.

If you do have the answers to at least 1-6, then you are ready to create a clear and consistent story for your customers, and ramp up your marketing with a specific, honest message about what you have that can help.

 That doesn’t mean to say you shouldn’t be working on the rest of it. However, kick-starting your marketing gets you interacting with people interested in your product/service, and that helps you gather the feedback and deep dive data todrive the experience for questions 7-10, plus generate new questions unique to your brand. According to, ‘70% of the customer's journey is based on how the customer feels they are being treated’.


If entrepreneurial success is characterised by the ability to spot a gap in the market, authentic and transparent marketing will build a loyal customer base that values your service. The service that you actually offer now, not the one in your dreams or long-term vision.

Sue Brett is a Brand Humanizer and Content Specialist, with 30 years’ experience in marketing and digital marketing. She works with corporate, SMEs and start-ups to create clear and compelling content, so that their clients immediately get what they do, why they love doing it, and how they can help.