Bizpreneur Middle East April 2021 | Page 36


It's worth reminding that being polite and tactful in life is one of the most important resources as a leader.


Many people have become extremely tired of the quarantine and working from home. One of the obvious reasons for this is the online meetings which last from morning until night which managers set up in order to strengthen relationships. Does being so involved in their individuality and not recognizing boundaries equate to being motivational? What if I said that it was easy to remain in touch and warm the hearts of teams and stakeholders? When Mr. Ross has finished his project before the deadline, or Ms. Zane has gone through an intense week at work, we may be too far away to embrace them, but we can certainly send a "Thank you" bouquet or a box of chocolates expressing that we value them and that these days will soon pass. These are the types of behavior which will motivate them to come to work and strengthen the bond among the team. I'm sure that you're already aware of these and have done them many times in the past. However, what I'd like to underline is finding a way to create permanence and turning positive behaviors into habits.


Now, lean back and envision this: You're the general manager of a company with hundreds of millions of dollars of turnover which produces and sells both domestically and abroad. As you're heading toward your 2020 goals, the entire world is hit with a pandemic. in the first quarter. Your first action was to take precautions to ensure the health and safety of your team and organization with disregard to official working hours. (and unless you're a hundred years old, this is most likely the only pandemic you've been through.) Through this you've minimalized the damage, however the Chairman of the Board of Directors criticized you in front of your management team and other board members. After that, he kindly stated that he no longer wants you to act without his prior knowledge.

Now, take a deep breath, lean back and once again visualize this: You are the assistant general finance manager. During the pandemic, you handled your responsibilities quite well and supported your team. Your successful navigation through these times attracted the attention of Headhunters and you begin receiving back-to-back offers. One offer is your dream job and position, and you decide to leave your current job. As you're about to leave one of the most vital positions within the organization during a pandemic, during your last week, the general manager set up a meeting for the entire executive board at 7:30 on a weekday. You unwillingly logged into the Zoom meeting and after ten minutes, the doorbells of all the participants began to ring. Once you open your door, you're faced with a cheerful delivery person. He hands you a meal and a drink and as you return back to the meeting you realize that your general manager has organized a special send away dinner for you.


Here are two questions:

Which leader would you like to work with?

Which leader would you want to be?

Sami Bugay is the founder and managing director of KA Consultancy, Bugay serves both individuals and leading domestic and international companies in Turkey and abroad in the area of Leadership and Team Development. Sami Bugay has extensive experience in different positions of senior management, which is a distinct advantage in the coaching process. Sami coaches in Turkish and in English.

Sami is also faculty member of The School of Life, acting mentor in Endeavor Turkey as a member of advisory board and he served as President of ICF Turkey  between 2016-18 and his book on team coaching “ITC Integral Team Coaching” recently published in Turkish and soon will be available in English, he is also acting program director of “I.C. Integral CoachingÔ”  ICF – ACTP accredited  international coaching program.