Name : Zanele Tshoba Name of business : ZT Mental Wellness Area : Krugersdorp , Gauteng Phone Number : 011 660 3559 Email Address : info @ ztmentalwellness . co . za Website : www . ztmentalwellness . co . za
Why you chose this profession I have always been fascinated by the field of Psychology . I have always loved helping people and making a difference in people ' s lives and society in general . I am an empathetic individual , hence the choice to study Psychology came easy . Growing up in Mamelodi , I was exposed to elements of trauma and violence . Most people lived in poverty and inequality . I was also exposed to individuals who suffered from mental illness , however , there were no mental health services available in the community . Furthermore , individuals with mental health difficulties were misunderstood and often stigmatized . Hence , this further encouraged me to help people to understand their emotional and mental difficulties . To learn that it is okay to seek help for mental health issues and for individuals to have more access to mental health services and receive psychological treatment that is greatly needed in our society . The better people are able to cope with their mental health difficulties , the more they will also contribute to their own lives , families and communities in a meaningful way .
What you like to do in your free time During my spare time I like to read . I also focus on making time for rest as it is crucial in my field of work . I also do activities that enhance self care like going to the health spa and going to the gym . I also love traveling whenever I can . I have also embarked on a journey of learning how to swim as an adult . I also love and embrace the artistic side of life , going to theatre and musical performances . I also love spending time with my family in Pretoria ( my Dad and my Sisters ), as well as spending quality and playtime with my 7 year old son .
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