1 . Vision first . Then strategy . Then tactics
2 . It ’ s never pretty till it ’ s done
15 Lessons from the African Wild for women Ceo ’ s by Tara Turkington
Whether you ’ re an entrepreneur growing a small enterprise , a seasoned executive leading a large corporation or anything in between , nature can be a great teacher . Here are 15 lessons from the African bush to help make you a better leader .
1 . Vision first . Then strategy . Then tactics
Good leaders have strong vision ( which can change over time if need be ) and are able to communicate it and get others to buy into it . Without vision , you may be a great manager , but will never be a great leader . Like a giraffe , you need to be able to see far and predict what ’ s coming . Once your vision is in place , you can develop your strategy of how to get there , and the tactics for making it happen . Simple ? Yes . Easy ? No . But the first step is getting the order of these things right .
2 . It ’ s never pretty till it ’ s done