BISWAS Vol 3, Issue 2 | Page 49

Modiji, you are saying that front line workers will be given a precaution dose. Now tell me how many precaution doses were given to the Frontline workers in last two years. How many died among them.

And where is the necessity for giving it to children? And thereby after killing the elders, you people are satisfied, now will the children also be killed.

You know, the Supreme Court has proved, the postmortem has proved, law has proved that people are dying by taking this vaccination. And the Supreme Court has clearly told that it is voluntary and not mandatory. Even then you are telling that children aged 15 to 18 will be given the dose.

What are you doing? I know for sure that you want to destroy the world and that is your intention. Spare the kids atleast.

Ginni Aneja

Numorologist & Tarrot Reader


Compulsion is Illegal and Unconstitutional