Biswas Vol 2, Issue 4, 1st April 2021 | Page 51

Doshaja Swapna:

Vata Prakriti: - Dreams as if flying or moving in the sky, climbing trees or mountains, wandering about on land, riding animals like camel,dried – crooked trees and rivers, hearing rumbling voices, etc.

Pitta persons: - Dreams are adventurous, often characterized by conflict situations. Their dream is commonly seeing

Fire , entering into fire

Flash , embracing flames

Lightning, Red flowers and trees ]

Sun , Red adjourned sky

Meteors Bright flames or light

Golden mountains

Kapha persons: - Dreams that are-

Pleasing to the mind Swans

Of clouds surmising in

Water reservoirs Sea water or

Ponds Sea of milk

Calm lakes with Sprinkling with shower of rain

Blooming lotus Shower of rain

Silver mountains etc.

Process of manifestation of dreams: -

When the manovahsrotas (vessels attached to the heart) are filled with exceeding aggravated three dosas, one sees terrific dreams in ominous situations. It is only in a half – awakened state that a person is enabled by his / her mind which controls the sense organs, to have diverse types of dreams meaningful or meaningless.

Result of various types of dreams: -

The first five types of dreams listed before, dreams experienced during day time, those which are either too short or too long are not meaningful for a physician (that is to say such dreams cannot be regarded as having any premonitory value).

Dreams experienced in the first part of the night are less meaning.

If one does no not get sleep after experiencing a dream, than the dream is highly meaningful

Even if one experiences an inauspicious dream but there after again if he experiences an auspicious one, this is indicative of auspicious results.