Biswas Vol 2, Issue 4, 1st April 2021 | Page 117

Sankha Dasgupta age 46 years filled Wise form in January 2021 for Diabetes. His Fasting sugar levels were around 237mg/dl when he approached us. He also felt lethargic throughout the day.

Within one week of following DIP diet, his Sugar levels went down to 150mg/dl and his energy levels increased. He was not on any medication.

Sankha Dasgupta

Reena Malhotra age 43 years filled Wise form in January 2021 for PCOD. She was also having several other problems like Weak Immunity, Pain in Legs, Breathing problem etc.

Within 10 days of following DIP diet, there was lot of improvement in her breathing problem and her energy levels increased. Her pain in legs subsided. Above all, she was very happy that she leant the right way of eating, as she never ate fruits and raw salads in her life before.

Reena Malhotra

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