Biswas Vol 2, Issue 4, 1st April 2021 | Page 107

Though it was very strenuous it was an absolute joy helping patients.Most of it involved giving them the diet and making sure they followed it properly but in doing so whatever problems they faced we had to help them with it. patients like older people with co-morbidities like high blood pressure,diabetes, bleeding piles, breathing problems, low oxygen levels, for which prone ventilation would be required and we were trained for that and helped patients with it.

A large part of the work was counseling and calming patients as they were terrified and panicked a lot. I got several who had gone to the hospital and after they were given several rounds of drugs, steroids etc they were so weak they could hardly walk and then would leave the hospital and come to us. I got a patient who had gone through plasma therapy and was young and could barely walk to the bathroom in the hospital. I talked to the husband and to her and convinced her that she would recover, as she was very scared and skeptical and followed up very closely and she recovered. There was a seaman who was alone, away from family and had been told to stay confined in his hotel room when he tested positive. I talked to him everyday and helped him mentally as well as with his diet. Similarly there were hundreds of such examples which would be difficult to describe here. I would help multiple family members and there was one dad who had tested positive and had moved to his village and his wife with the kids had gone home to her parent’s house. But his little girl wanted to stay with him and he would send me her pictures and I would counsel him on a regular basis while helping him follow the diet. He was very concerned that he has small children and was scared that something would happen to him.

"Medicines treat symptoms and not the root cause of the disease"

"In the welfare of others we find our own well-being."