Biswas Vol 2, Issue 4, 1st April 2021 | Page 29

On his going further Dr. Khadar says in fact he feels like he should stop the way he is working. So far he has been curing and healing people but it is becoming a routine for him. And also he reflects on how many he can be healing with number of diabetic patients in Bangalore alone being more than 5 lakhs. So he thinks not to create patients, in future generations should be our goal. So he wants to keep certain things and information in place for the future generations. Wants to share and pass on certain things which he has, and without that he feels he would have lived a wasted time.

Coming back to his own family and his life he tells his wife has been of a great help to him. He calls her incredibly brave. She being a Brahmin and him being a Muslim she had to face lot of trouble in the society. Calls her as a good partner, in fact he says she is answering a number of phone calls while he is being interviewed.

His suggestion is for people, to stay simple. Remain grounded and to remain in touch with the soil. The career coach Leela then intervenes and says, ‘grounded, because you grow your food’ and he agrees. Meanwhile a knock on the door and he leaves for a moment...

On return, he talks about his daughter,( another great thing I have ), who is a homeopath and his son-in-law who is following social science and both trekking his path. Both are in other countries, given up their jobs and taken up his work and he is happy about that. They are looking into oil Ghanies building small machines to decentralize food processing and thereby helping the village women.

Leela, YO! Career Coach tells, this is a true wisdom being shared. Feels we have to connect to our roots, conserve our forests and go back to nature. Conserve than being consuming.

Dr . Khadar then thanks her and in the end he says he will be happy if year 2022 is declared as International Year of millets. He says he feels happy that the consciousness of the people is shifting towards real food. This is a good thing. He says it should become our prerogative and responsibility to see that millets become the food for the future generation. Only then we can we have a beautiful living planet left in to the future.

International Year of
