BISWAS Vol. 2, Issue 14 | Page 29

Manish Ji

We Indians in one whole year drink approximately one lakh crore ruppes worth of tea. Whether Tea is a nectar or poison, this decision will have to be taken by you alone.

We are now doing discussion on Tea. I will tell 5 such points after which you can decide it for yourself.

One. In 2006 a study had taken place in Germany. In Tea there is an antioxidant called polyphenol. But Just as we put it in the Tea, then a protein called caffeine found in milk, getting mixed with this , there then is a chemical reaction, and that is the main reason for acidity in the liver, in India and the cause of liver diseases and kidney diseases.

Second point. In case is if Tea is drunk with milk and sugar, then sugar has phosphorus and sulfur. This will increase the stomach diseases by 90 %. And from here arteries, the veins of the heart become hard, and because of this there are ten crore people are suffering from BP and approximately 1.5 crore people with heart diseases.

Third : New England Journal of Medical Studies has said, that by drinking more tea the amount of Floride increase, the bones become brittle and in India is the main cause of increase in diseases of arthritis, ortho arthritis, rheumatic arthritis. People in India are getting their knees changed, getting operated for their backbones, taking medicines for joint pains, and the reason is only because of this.

Fourth number. In tea there will be one more valuable antioxidant by name capuchin which is good for our immunity. But just as you put tea leaves in a milk , an animal product, then it will become carbon. Under its influence there will be a deposition of carbon, which is toxin, in the pancreas. Because of its influence today we have nine crore sugar patients in India and one and half crore kidney patients.

Fifth : When a tea prepared with milk, in each cup there will be 150 to 200 calories. Imagine if a person drinks 3 to 4 cups daily, it will amount to an additional 500 to 700 extra calories. Because of this obesity increases, cholesterol increases, and India in the whole world , is turning into a capital of heart diseases.

I have shown you five points. Now you have to decide whether to drink the tea or not. And now in case if you decide to leave the tea there will be head ache, sure it will be. Now if you become stubborn and do not drink tea for three to four days, then head ache will diminish of it's own.

Now, if I were to talk of studies conducted, the habit of tea proves to be a much stronger addiction than drinking and smoking. Now if you do not want anyone dear to you, to have breast cancer, tumor in the brain, sceptics not in in future, stomach should not to get filled with water, liver not to fail, or men should not get prostrate cancer, and niw the biggest of all, I am going to tell you a very astonishing fact, by drinking tea the urge for sex diminishes. Stop drinking tea with milk. You Indians. You take thousands of crores of medicines, subsequently in the name of cure.

Then leave tea immediately made of milk and adopt herbal tea instead with sounp, tulasi, loung, Ilaichi, binaksha. Drink tea with this kind of ingredients which will benefit your stomach amd save thousands of crores of country.

In case if you think drinking tea is very harmful, then share this video and convey it to every individual who drinks tea, so that he looks at the video, see the scientific research, then he decides for himself, whether to drink tea or leave it.