Biswas Vol 2, Issue 1 | Page 56

Vaccine contains Cow’s blood. Anyone following “Sanatan Dharma” will never have vaccines. Fatal Bovine Syrup is used for making vaccine. We have been compelled by the Government to take a vaccine which is made out of Cows blood. Each one of us should ban and protest against it.

“Everyone should know that the downfall of British Government started when they forced us to use capsules made out of the skin and flesh of Cows. Mangal Pandey made his begining from here. The Government first has to reveal what is there in this vaccine. As long as we do not know what is the content of this vaccine, we should protest against it.”

Search for yourself in Google, or in CDC website of FBA, about fatal bovine syrup, find out how this vaccine is being prepared. See the link in “The Print” about the Co-vaccine being manufactured in India or any other vaccine, in all these cows blood is being used. The gelatine used in this is made out of pig. Muslim priests are also opposing this vaccine because of this. Now proceed and ban this vaccine

Gopal Mani Maharaj