Biswas Vol 2, Issue 1 | Page 51

Have to go to doctor. What for, for finding a solution to our disease?

What doctor will do? He will make several tests, will create a deadly picture of your disease. Will then administer several drugs for you. The family then returns happy, thinking this drug will now do the miracle, free you of your disease.

Nothing more to be done, just have to take medicine in time.

You are doing a very intelligent thing, you don't have to take any more responsibility of your health. Don't have to bother about the reason for disease, don't have to follow any rules of health, what is needed is just take the medicine in time. May be, you have to take it for whole life, carry a box of it with you all along and feel proud about it.

Why are you cheating yourself ? How will the drugs make you healthy ?

What is a drug ? A processed chemical. What is not a food, isn't it a poison for the body ? The body will however react with it. Remember however, it is the body that acts on the medicine, not that medicine acts on your body. And in each reaction we loose our life energy.

You think you are gaining in health, not so. If you want to come out of your any of your major disease, your life energy has to be strong, otherwise you can never come out of it. And if our life energy is strong, we can come out of any disease, however strong it may be.

Medicines are not required. All the medicines, all the therapies, depend on the self healing power of the body. If the self healing power is removed, all medicines, all treatment will simply go waste.

Drugs are not wrong. They are the science of chemicals. What is wrong is your understanding of them, your wrong beliefs of them, that any medicine from outside will free you from your diseases, without your having to follow the rules of health. This is your delusion. This is your biggest misunderstanding. For some quick relief if you take medicines for few days, that is not a sin, but taking them over a long period of time , over a lifetime is a very grave mistake.

Medicine should not become your life style. You are putting your self under a great deception. You are handing over the reigns of your health in the hands of doctor who himself does not know anything of his own health. Who himself is suffering from so many diseases. The reason for disease is known either to you or the doctor.

There is no such rule in the nature that we go on putting petrol in the fire of disease and expect it to get quenched. Without even sowing a single seed of health, you should go on reaping health.

Every disease comes to wake you up, for opening up your eyes. You are doing something wrong. Stop. Turn back immediately. Live rightly.

You understand very well, on one side there is a world of health, on other side there is a world of diseases. My disease and I only will create my health. Even if you understand this much, friends you will not be needing the services of any doctor and will never need medicine of any kind.

Friends, before visiting the doctor next time, put these questions to yourself, may be you will find a way for saving yourself from doctors and medicines.

Have to go to doctor. What for ?