Biswas Vol 2, Issue 1 | Page 18

These 14 SDGs include poverty elimination, clean water/sanitation/hygiene, clean energy, educational attainment, sustainable cities, and industrial infrastructure.

Bill Gates has also been in control of the National Technical Advisory Group on Immunization (NTAGI), which is the apex body advising the Government of India on vaccination.

Gates had, in fact, been funding the NTAGI secretariat from 2013 to 2017 while PHFI, the criminal gang he promoted in 2006, had been hosting that secretariat!

That’s a particularly striking example of how Republic of India had long been captured by globalist criminals like Bill Gates who now holds 130 crore Indians hostage for being used as guinea pigs for his toxic, bio-fascist vaccination blitzkrieg.

NTAGI continues to have people associated with Bill Gates and PHFI. Vinod K. Paul, for example, is not only a member of NTAGI, but has also been advancing the WEF’s fascist Agenda 2030 as Member (Health) of the NITI Aayog.

Gates’ charity ‘Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’ (which itself has an unlawful presence in India) sponsored an unlawful clinical trial in India in 2009 in which thousands of tribal girls in Andhra Pradesh and Gujarat were given HPV shots that killed at least seven girls and injured many hundreds.

Bill Gates furiously promoted the administration of multiple doses of oral polio vaccine to children in India. According to an investigation conducted by Dr. Jacob Puliyel and others, multiple doses of oral polio vaccine were implicated in an additional 4,91,000 paralyzed children.

Far from taking action against Bill Gates for his enormous crimes in India, RSS Pracharak Modi has made him the de facto ruler of India.

Modi regime has been providing Gates’ global vaccine mafia – consisting of such outfits as Gavi and CEPI – with huge amounts of public money as well as allowing bureaucrats and scientists from the public sector to work for these criminal organizations.

Anuradha Gupta, former additional secretary in the health ministry who is now deputy chief executive officer of Gavi, and Gagandeep Kang, who was executive director of Department of Biotechnology’s Translational Health Sciences and Technology Institute from 2016 to July 2020 while also being a member of the CEPI board, are two notable examples.

COVID-19 fake pandemic represents an evil attempt by billionaire fascists to seize power and take control of the whole world.

The fact that these criminals have succeeded in devastating India’s democracy and society without eliciting any worthwhile public resistance is an indication that the country has been recolonized.

Agenda 2030 is now being implemented at a furious speed to complete this fascist coup d'état.

RSS Pracharak Modi and his ministers have been working as the henchmen of the billionaire fascists of the World Economic Forum and preparing devilishly to force Bill Gates’ toxic, untested vaccines on a population of 130 crore.

There are clear indications that this incredibly criminal act of forcing millions of people to be ‘vaccinated’ against a fake pandemic will usher in a bio-fascist system whereby periodic vaccinations will be made the norm and a modicum of civil rights and freedoms will be made conditional upon ‘vaccine certificates’.