Biswas Vol 2, Issue 1 | Page 12

Having been given a place inside the government through PHFI, Bill Gates and other imperialists (as well as Indian dollar-billionaires) set out to capture India’s public health system at the central and state levels and to make politicians and bureaucrats beholden to them through bribes and other corrupt means.

Over 14 years of its criminal existence PHFI subverted India’s democracy and prepared the ground for the imposition this year of a medical martial law on a population of over 100 crore – one sixth of all humanity.

PHFI played a crucial role in getting the Modi regime to impose a genocidal lockdown on the country in March 2020 and crack down on natural freedoms and Constitutional rights of the people.

Bill Gates, who is PHFI’s main promoter, has been furiously building and expanding his ‘global health’ empire for the last 20 years, having already taken substantial control over the World Health Organization (WHO) and other agencies of the United Nations (UN).

Gates’ control over the WHO helped him and other globalist criminals of the WEF to impose an entirely fabricated ‘pandemic’ and genocidal ‘lockdowns’ on the world, devastating democracies and societies in a manner that has no parallel in history.

It’s important to note that the WEF (which is the deluxe club of the world’s wealthiest capitalists) has already taken control of the UN for all practical purposes.

This control was formalized on 13 June 2019 when the WEF signed a Strategic Partnership Frameworkwith the UN through which the latter allowed the former to take charge of its ‘Agenda 2030’ of 17 ‘sustainable development goals’ or SDGs.

It’s quite simply a criminal attempt to capture the whole Earth and all its resources by a minority of capitalist gangsters through the instrumentality of Agenda 2030.

So, Agenda 2030 is not about saving the Earth and the environment, but about destroying the sovereignty of every country and enslaving the people to a system of corporate feudalism.

The WEF also launched a ‘COVID Action Platform for Business on 11 March 2020 with the support of the WHO – supposedly to “galvanize the global business community” to “fight” the alleged coronavirus outbreak.

One of the objectives of this clearly premeditated act was to facilitate “the development of available and accessible vaccines, diagnostics, treatments and protective equipment”.

The WEF thus played a decisive part in mobilizing the wealthiest corporations of the world to engage in a well-rehearsed effort to propagandize the public into ‘believing’ that a ‘pandemic’ was raging, necessitating the worldwide provision of diagnostics, ‘personal protective equipment’ (PPE), drugs, vaccines and other medical supplies.

The cover of the SDG India Index Baseline Report 2018 published by the NITI Aayog