Biswas Vol 1, Issue 2 | Page 69

For example, when we are happily sitting after eating the food, if someone says that a lizard had fallen in that food, we start vomiting the very next moment. Why did the stomach, which was digesting the food all along when we did not know the fact that a lizard had fallen in the food, suddenly start vomiting the food? What we understand from this is that our mind, if it wants, will digest the food or it will stop the stomach from digesting and cause it to vomit the food.

Therefore, if we have fear in our mind after we contract a disease, our body will not cure the disease. This is the fourth reason. Our body has got intelligence. This intelligence is the one which destroys the disease-causing germs. It is possible that this in-built intelligence of the body can get affected.

When the intelligence present in the body gets affected, we will get disease from the disease-causing germs. This is Reason Number Five. What we understand from all these is that the body does not get disease from the disease-causing germs. We get disease only because,either an item in the blood has gone bad, or an item in the blood is absent,or it is in less quantity,or the quantity of blood itself is less, or our mind is affected, or the intelligence of our body is affected.

Therefore, if a person does not get any disease from the disease-causing germs, then it means that all these five things are in good condition in his body. If a person gets a disease due to the disease-causing germs, then it means that one, two or more of these five things are not proper in his body. We cannot agree that disease comes only due to disease-causing germs. If it were true, then doctors would be the ones to get more diseases because every day they come close to many patients affected by germs. The germs spread through the air coming from the body of the patients and through the things they touch. How is it that the diseases do not affect the doctors? If it is true that diseases come only due to the disease-causing germs, then the same disease should affect all the people in a house. Now, just think why, out of ten people in a house, the disease which affects eight persons does not affect the remaining two persons. This may be due to all the five things being in good condition for those two people. Therefore, instead of researching on the various types of disease-causing germs in the world, naming them and making them famous, if we understand the simple secrets of how to maintain the five things in our body and keep them alright, we will not get any disease from any germs. What is a disease-causing germ? What is its shape and size? Those who do not know this will be scared about the germs. Many germs will not be visible to the naked eye at all. Till now, no one has seen them even through microscope. Several millions of disease-causing germs are always present in the air we breathe.

Our body has got intelligence. This intelligence is the one which destroys the disease-causing germs.