Biswas Vol 1, Issue 2 | Page 30

Tanya : As you know you are giving them raw diet. You also must be knowing that the fruits and vegetables you are giving are all pesticides included. There are enough fertilizers, enough chemicals,. Don’t you feel that the fruits and vegetables that you are suggesting them to eat, will not harm them.

Sourav Bysac : See sir has practiced for a long time and we have also practiced. But it is found that the pesticide and all that is mixed with has not caused much harm to the patients. But even then what Sir says is do not buy fruits and vegetables from big big shops buy them from small small one’s. Preferably buy from the farmer who removes it fresh from his fields, not from big shops. We also do the same. Villagers come and sell on roads. Buy from them. We suggest t the same to our patients also. Don’t buy from big markets, then you will be buying hybrid. Buy from local markets only.

Tanya : Sourav please tell me one thing. The Diet plan you are recommending to patients, because of this the disease will be removed permanently or it will just be neutralized.

Sourav : Yes there will be one such confusion. Whatever I have so far experienced the patient will recover fully is not a job of one day, one month or two months. The patients we get are mostly critical one’s. The body is no longer normal. They will argue that I have heard in his lectures that this disease will be cured in one month or three months, why then it is not happening to me. Why no improvement ? They also themselves say they are the most critical one’s. They will however be cured but if a normal patient gets cured in three months , they may take six months. If they follow the diet strictly and religiously. I have seen many patients getting cured with my own eyes. I get a number of phone calls from various places and they say that I have cured myself. Many have been cured by my consultation only, fully. But some take time , many do so. Few patients get cured quickly, but majority of mine have not. Mine one's are most critical. They have multidimensional problems. For many problems have entered in their digestion pipe itself. Their eating habits were so bad right from their childhood that they have damaged their whole body.


DIP diet has to be taken every time because it is a curative diet, it will not spoil you. It will not make you any more sick. Because it is a curative diet, everyone should take it, that is why Sir’s diet has become very popular. If you take raw food and vegetables , there is power in it, there is life. Sir says live enzyme. The live food sets right our signalling system. If it goes in raw form , body recognizes it. It is not a science of three or four days old, it is quite ancient. It only has remained as a hidden science.

anya : Let us now come to WISE scheme. You said WISE scheme is chargeable, and you are charging 500 Rs per month. You say food as a medicine. Then the person has be eating fruits and vegetables for a life and keep coming to you every month.

Sourav : No no, it is not like that. He does not have to keep coming to us every time. One more thing we promote is that you become your own doctor. If not a full doctor, at least half a doctor.