Biswas Vol 1, Issue 2 | Page 71

this in detail in this book in the section on the method to drink water. If the body is able to send the germ out of the body using the Helper called phlegm, it is satisfied. But, sometimes some germs, instead of going out along with the phlegm, will start pulling back the phlegm into the body. In such a case, the body will create a medicine called Killer and destroy the germ. This Killer is a protein. After this Killer medicine destroys the germ, our body prepares another medicine called Suppressor for destroying the Killer medicine. This Suppressor medicine makes the Killer medicine powerless Our body, after generating the three medicines namely, the Helper medicine called phlegm, the Killer medicine to destroy the germs and the Suppressor medicine to remove the power of the Killer medicine, performs the fourth function called Memory wherein it records the formula by registering the experience as “I saw a disease-causing germ in some of the cells. Its intensity was this much. I sent the following medicines to destroy it. The germ was killed through this action. The mission was successful.” Henceforth, whenever any germ enters the body, the body destroys it by taking quick action as it is ready with the formula.

Therefore, instead of wasting our time analyzing the disease-causing germs, by understanding that a person will not get any disease if all the five things are proper and by learning how to maintain the five things in our body, we can lead a healthy life.

This article is taken from the book "Anatomic Therapy" written by - Healer Baskar.

Presented by : -

Tejpal Singh

Certified Diabetes Educator

Contact :- 9256213157

Video Link:-

Diseases are not our past sins

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We can conquer any germ without consuming any medicine, tablet or seeking any doctor’s help.