BISWAS Biswas 20 | Page 20

Freedom or Previlege?

Vaccinated and Unvaccinated

Friends, I would like to explain the difference between your freedom and the covid injection.

Does the injection really give you the freedom?

The answer is absolutely No. By having the injection you don't get freedom. You get previleges. To be previleged is very different from having freedom. Let me explain Why?

Freedom is not something which you can receive from someone. Freedom is self determined. Freedom allows you to decide what is right for you. Previleges are special rights given to you as a reward for your obedience, or compliance.

Special rights are given to you from authority figures. The reality is that anyone because it is a previlege can take them away any time. They can randomly change the rules, to suit themselves. So with the injection, you are not giving freedom. You are agreeing to the random discretion of the authorities.

This is the exact opposite of freedom. By taking these injections, you are being forced into a dependency. The only way to really have your freedom is by not taking these injection. If it is already been injected, it is not a problem, what you need to do is avoid taking any more injection.

Just don't play the game. This pandemic will only last as long as you decide to play along. So I am urging you, don't trade your freedom for previlege.