Get your vascular health in shape
Sanford VaScular center
Right now, there is a complex network silently working
within your body to keep you healthy. Your vascular system is
essential to your overall health, and now our integrated team
of specialists at Sanford Health Vascular Center can provide
the highest level of care for a variety of vascular diseases.
Our team of experts includes the largest team of vascular surgeons
and interventional radiologists in the state and this region to
offer a personalized care plan that focuses on the unique needs
of each patient. We will also apply current research to provide
you with the best treatments available today, and in the future.
Call (701) 234-4800 for more information.
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Pictured left to right:
Warren Albrecht, DO
Andrew Bakken, MD
Peter Biegler, MD
Jon Machayya, MD
Eric Promersberger, MD
Todd Reil, MD
David Stover, MD
Corey Teigen, MD