p.12 NT - BW Spring 2013_p.12 NT - BW Spring 2013.qxd 13/03/2013 10:08 Page 13
Quaker and Toddy. €11 million
modern production capacity
was invested last year on logistics
(including five biscuit plants).
and merchandising to strengthen
Low production costs thanks to
the three brands across 200,000
the proximity of raw materials are
Brazilian outlets. The group aims
another incentive for global multis
to be present in 450,000 outlets
circling this market.
by 2014. Modernisation of five
Leading brands such as
Mabel factories and adding to and
Vitarella, Fortaleza, Richester and
expanding production lines cost
Adria give Dias Branco a strong
PepsiCo another €33 million.
presence across the Brazilian
PepsiCo launched two new
market and in most segments. As
varieties (wholewheat with
a local player, Dias Branco also
sesame and oat and honey) of
has a better grasp of regional
the Quaker biscuit line in Brazil
tastes – crucial in such a vast
this year. The oak and honey
market – than its foreign rivals.
flavour is the first slightly
Not that nearest rival Nestle is
sweetened product available in
some recent interloper. The Swiss €11million has gone into
this range.
giant first entered Brazil almost a promoting eqlibri.
The chocolate drink Toddy is
century ago. Today it has 26
now a biscuit too and reached retail outlets in
production plants in six states. Its biscuits are even
December. The 27g flow packs of Toddy Tube and
distributed across Brazilian skies, following a recent
Toddy Cone wafer biscuits will be sold initially in10
deal with national airline TAM.
states, in the 350 stores of Lojas Americanas. New
Irene Rosenfeld, head of new Kraft snacks unit
packaging for eQlibri has produced 30 per cent
Mondelez International, sees Brazil as its biggest
savings. The healthy-biscuit brand will be
market in developing countries.
repositioned to appeal to female shoppers and wil