BIS 345 MENTOR Think Big / BIS 345 MENTOR Think Big / | Page 2

Where number = '4' or '8' 5. (TCO 1) Assume you want to associate a TaxpayerTable with a PrincipalResidenceTable. The PrincipalResidentTable contains the address where each taxpayer lives. Assume that each taxpayer can have only one residence; however, more than one person at the address can be considered a taxpayer. What is the relationship between the TaxpayerTable and PrincipalResidenceTable? (Points : 5) Many-To-One One-To-Many Many-to-Many One-to-One 6. (TCO 1) Which of the following would display values from the city field in the Professor table, removing all duplicate city names? (Points : 5) SELECT City DISTINCT FROM Professor SELECT City FROM DISTINCT Professor SELECT DISTINCT City FROM Professor SELECT DISTINCT FROM Professor 7. (TCO 1) Assume you have a table called StudentTable. You would like to extract the lastname of all students who have not yet declared their major. Which of the following WHERE clauses would accomplish this? (Points : 5) WHERE major = " " WHERE major = ' ' WHERE major IS NULL WHERE major = 'NULL' 8. (TCO 3) Which of the following statements would count the number of customers within each state? Assume you have a table with the following columns: (Points : 5)