BIS 345 MENTOR Extraordinary Success / BIS 345 MENTOR Extraordinary Success /bis345mentor | Page 11

Part 1: Build your SELECT statement by choosing the certain clauses from the list below and putting the clauses in the correct order: SELECT City, Count(*) ORDER BY 2 WHERE Count(*) > 1 SELECT Region, Count(*) GROUP BY City FROM tblCustomer ORDER BY Count(*) HAVING Count(*) > 1 GROUP BY Region ORDER BY 2 DESC Part 2: Did you select any filter clause(s)? (WHERE, HAVING) Justify your choice of filter(s). (Points : 25) 38. (TCO 6) Evaluate the Supplier List report below. Management requested this report so they can monitor the value and quantity of the stock on hand; a requirement of the report is to be able to match the product to the supplier. Part 1: Describe at least two enhancements that would make this report more readable to the user. Part 2: Describe at least two features you would include that would add functionality to the report and improve its flexibility for the user. (Points : 25) =============================================== BIS 345 Final Exam Guide Set 2 FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT 1 . (TCO 1) Which of the following portions of an SQL Statement indicate the columns that should be included in the result set?(Points : 5) SELECT FROM