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BIS 345 Quiz 1 For more course tutorials visit www . uophelp . com
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BIS 345 Quiz 1 For more course tutorials visit www . uophelp . com

1 . ( TCO 2 ) Use the ____ data type for columns that contain letters and special characters and for columns containing numbers that will not be used in calculations
2 . ( TCO 2 ) Which of the following functions would you use to extract characters from the middle of a string .
3 . ( TCO 2 ) Which date function will return the difference between two dates in the specified units ?
4 . ( TCO 3 ) If you wanted to know the highest credit line in your customer database , which if the following functions would you use in your SQL .
5 . ( TCO 3 ) Which of the following clauses filters groups
6 . ( TCO 3 ) Which of the following characters can be used with the COUNT function to return the total numbers of rows in the query
7 . ( TCO 2 ) Which of the following date functions requires a timestamp parameter when use .