BIS 345 Course Great Wisdom / BIS 345 Course Great Wisdom / | Page 3

Question 6.6 . ( TCO 1 ) Given Professors table with LastName , FirstName , and MI fields , which of the following would select all fields from the table ? ( Points : 5 )
SELECT * FROM Professors ; SELECT * Professors ; SELECT Last Name , First Name , MI FROM Professors ; SELECT * ALL
Question 7.7 . ( TCO 1 ) Which of the following would extract all rows containing the numbers 10 or 20 ? ( Points : 5 )
WHERE number BETWEEN 10 and 20 WHERE number = 10 or number = 20 WHERE number = ' 10 or 20 ' Where number = ' 10 ' or ' 20 '
Question 8.8 . ( TCO 3 ) Which of the following statements would extract the average price of all the products ?
Assume you have a table with the following columns : ( Points : 5 )
SELECT ProductID , Avg ( UnitPrice )