BIS 155 Experience Tradition / BIS 155 Experience Tradition / | Page 6

b . While the sheets are grouped , bold the labels in row 1 and column A , and format the values in cells B2 : E5 as currency with no decimal places . Resize all columns .
c . Ungroup the sheets ( very important !).
d . On the Q4 Summary sheet , use 3D formulas to create a summary that displays the totals for each product and quarter over all 3 regions ( East , Central , and West ).
e . Create a clustered column chart that shows total sales of each product in each quarter . Each cluster should represent a quarter , and each individual column should represent sales of a product within that quarter . Place your chart on the Q4 Summary sheet to the right of the data . Give the chart an appropriate title .
f . Add a trend line to the chart to show how sales of alarm clocks are changing over time .
g . In the space provided on the Q4 Summary sheet , write a brief ( 2-3 paragraph ) analysis report to the manager of the Cool Clocks business . In your report , explain your findings on the trend in sales of alarm clocks , and any other patterns you observed in sales of the product categories ; and recommend at least one specific action that Cool Clocks should take regarding the alarm clocks product line .
Save your work ( CTRL + s ) - ( but leave it open to continue ). 5 . What-if analysis ( TCO 6 ; 40 points )
a . On the Q5 sheet , please format the Title row at the top of the worksheet stating “ Detailed Sales What-if Analysis ”. Make sure it is centered across columns A – G and has a heading format .