BIS 155 Experience Tradition / BIS 155 Experience Tradition / | Page 26

Your Sales Data worksheet will look something like this . STEP 3 : Sort Data and Create Summary Report and Chart
A . Before analyzing data , it is a good idea to copy the data to a new worksheet so that you have a back-up copy of the original data . Right click on the Sales Data sheet tab and select Move or Copy . Create a copy of the current spreadsheet and move it to the end . Name the sheet Sorted Data .
B . In order to sort the data , you may want to convert them to a data table . Format the data table to look attractive .
C . Sort the data by selling agent ( A to Z ) and then by asking price ( largest to smallest ).
D . Convert the sorted data back into a range , and create a summary report showing the total asking price and total selling price by selling agent .
E . Create a column chart that shows the difference by agent between asking price and selling price .
STEP 4 : Filter the Data
A . Create another copy of the original sales data . Rename the sheet Filtered Data .
B . Convert the range to a table , and then filter to show only those properties sold in Miami by agent Carey .
STEP 5 : Apply Conditional Formatting