BIS 155 Experience Tradition / BIS 155 Experience Tradition / | Page 11

Place a border around the statistics data and widen columns as needed for readability .
Save your work ( CTRL + s ).
Lists , sorting , charts , and conditional formatting ( Excel ; TCOs 4 and 6 ; 40 points ) Using the ‘ Quest 1 & 2 ’ Worksheet :
Convert the list of products , unit prices , quantities , and total sales in A3 : D17 into a table on the Quest 3 – Lists & Sorting sheet starting in cell A1 .
Using the ‘ Quest 3 – Lists & Sorting ’ worksheet :
Sort the table into descending order ( highest to lowest ) by Total Sales .
Apply conditional formatting to the Total Sales column so that sales greater than $ 1,000 are highlighted in green .
Create a pivot table using the table data from Quest 1 & 2 on a new sheet and name it MoD-3b . Then move it after ‘ Quest 3 Lists & Sorting ’. Create a pivot showing the list of products in alphabetical order , showing total sales by product with appropriate currency formatting .
Create , on this same sheet , a line graph using the sales data from the pivot table . Add chart title and labels as appropriate .
Save your work ( CTRL + s ). Functions and Financials ( TCO ’ s 2 , 6 , and 7 ; 30 points ) Using the Quest 4-Financials worksheet :