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BIS 155 Week 6 DQ Bringing It All Together For more course tutorials visit www . uophelp . com
slight decline in sales ? What combination of price increases and decline in sales makes most sense ? Present your Conclusions in a Report Use the integration techniques we worked on in the course to develop a report ( Word document ) that includes data and graphs copied and pasted from your spreadsheet . You will turn in both your Recommendation Report and your spreadsheet . ( There is an Excel Project Template in DocSharing , Course Project Materials , to help you formulate your report . The yellow-lined information provides an explanation of what should be included in each section of the report .)
Your report will focus one paragraph on each of the Data Analysis sheets in your workbook . Explain the type of analysis you completed , the conclusions you drew , and a recommendation based on the analysis . ( 45 points )
You should include a final paragraph that explains three things you learned about using Excel for data analysis . ( 15 points )

BIS 155 Week 6 DQ Bringing It All Together For more course tutorials visit www . uophelp . com

This week will be an opportunity to share ideas and approaches to the Excel course project due this week . What are some spreadsheet features you will use to make your spreadsheet professional , readable , reliable , and repeatable ?
This is an opportunity to show your creativity and depth of understanding of what you have learned up to this point . Which spreadsheet functions and data analysis types do you think will be the most challenging to implement in this project ?