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BIS 155 Week 1 DQ Getting Familiar With Excel For more course tutorials visit www . uophelp . com
1 . ============================================== BIS 155 Week 1 Quiz ( Excel Fundamentals and Charting )
For more course tutorials visit
Hopefully you will find this week ' s lab activity fun and useful . If you have never created a database , you will be able to tell all of your friends and family that you are now a database designer . You will walk through the steps of creating and populating an Access database to keep a record of items in your home . The database will have a table , a form , a query , and a report .
Turn in one database named Lab7 _ yourlastname . accdb to the DropBox . When submitting the database , provide a comment in the Dropbox comments area explaining what you learned from completing this lab activity .
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BIS 155 Week 1 DQ Getting Familiar With Excel For more course tutorials visit www . uophelp . com

Excel was introduced in 1985 . Since then , it has become a standard business tool . Discuss and explain at least six different ( unique ) features of Excel that make it a valuable business tool . Discuss what type of Excel skills would be important in today ‘ s job market and why . Be specific . Note : In addition to the Microsoft Excel 2013 overview in the Course Home , there are many Excel resources , in addition to your text , on the Web . For example , try an Internet search on " top ten Excel 2013 features " and sift through some of the resources . Be sure to read your classmates posts , and see how many features you can find that haven ' t been listed yet .

1 . ============================================== BIS 155 Week 1 Quiz ( Excel Fundamentals and Charting )

For more course tutorials visit