BIS 155 Endless Education / BIS 155 Endless Education / | Page 43

STEP 2 : Create Merge Document ( 15 points )
Download the Lab 4 , Step 2 Instructions .
A . Open the wk4 _ trust _ letter document in Word . Make sure that the document is in the same folder as the Excel spreadsheet . This will make it easier to work with the two documents during the Merge process .
B . Merge information from your Excel spreadsheet into the Word document . Your completed Merge will look like the following when complete :
9 / 27 / 2007 XYZ Corporation Charitable Trust 123 Adams Street Pittsburgh , PA 15697
Shelly Martin 123 North Street Pittsburgh , PA 15697
Dear Shelly ,
Thank you for your generous donation to the XYZ Corporation Charitable Trust Fundraiser . We are delighted to accep the following donation :
Item : Massage Item