B . Open the workbook in Excel , and save it as Lab3 _ Yourlastname . xlsx .
C . Insert a documentation sheet that includes title , author , date , and purpose . Format it appropriately , including changing the Sheet Name to Documentation . At the end of this activity , you will be asked to provide a conclusion as to whether this realty company " really gets your price ."
STEP 2 : Add Calculations and Format Sales Data Worksheet ( 10 points )
A formula is used to calculate the percent of asking price , and this formula is applied to all listed sales . You will format the list in an attractive and useful manner .
A . Calculate the percent of asking price for each sale ( selling price divided by asking price ). Enter the formula in Column F . Format Column F as a percentage with one decimal .
B . Format Columns D and E as currency , with no decimals . Format Columns G and H as dates so just the day and month ( for example , 5- May ) are visible . You will need to use the Number Format dropdown list , select More Number Formats , and select the Date category .
C . Widen columns to make all data and headings visible . Format titles as appropriate . Bold and center the column headings .
STEP 3 : Sort Data and Create Summary Reportand Chart ( 10 points )
A . Before analyzing data , it is a good idea to copy the data to a new worksheet so that you have a back-up copy of the original data .