STEP 2 : Summarize Dining Categories by Quarter You must provide a summary report of the dining category sales by quarter for the year so that Joe Bruno knows exactly what each location is doing . A . Create formulas to calculate sales by dining category and quarter on the Summary Sheet . B . Group the worksheets and add Grand Totals by Dining Category and by Quarter . STEP 3 : Create Graph Carina is more of a visual person , and you want to present your data in an alternate way . You will create a chart to summarize your data . A . Create a chart on the separate sheet already in your workbook . Your chart should show the amount of income from each of the dining categories displayed by quarter . A trend line might help her to see the area of highest growth . B . Include a title , legend , and data labels on your chart . C . Format the chart to coordinate with your summary table , using the same colors , fonts , titles , and clip art . Need help ? Review the Week 1 step-by-step instructions for charting . Hint : Select clustered columns as your basic chart type . The following is a suggested format ( your answers may vary ). Image Description STEP 4 : Create a Documentation Sheet You must document your worksheet with a professional-looking documentation sheet before Carina can reimburse you for your work . A . Insert a new worksheet and rename the sheet tab Documentation . B . Include the following on your documentation worksheet : Your name as author , date of creation , date of last modification , purpose . Create a Contents section that lists the sheets in the workbook and provides a brief description . C . Format the documentation worksheet using the same colors and font used in other worksheets and charts . D . Hide the gridlines on the Documentation Sheet using the Page Layout tab , Sheet Options group .