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BIS 155 iLab 4 Student Education Trust Create Address Labels ( New )
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A . Open the Sales Data worksheet . Select the Sales Data range ( A3 : H33 ). From the Formulas tab , select Define Name from the Defined Names group . Name the range of cells SalesData . B . Create a pivot table based on the named range , SalesData . Create the pivot table in a new worksheet . C . Select Selling Agent as your Row Labels and City as your Column Labels . Select Percent of Sales as your Values . Change the Summary type for Percent of Sales to average , the Number Format to percent , and the Name to Average Percent of Asking Price . Apply Data Bars Conditional Formatting to the percentages . Hide the Field Headers . D . Rename the sheet PivotTable , and move it so that it is the last tab in the worksheet . STEP 7 : Draw a Conclusion On the Documentation Sheet , add a section called Analysis . Based on your data analysis , do you believe that Luke Liberty Realty should be allowed to advertise that they " Get your price ?" Justify your answer by referring to the data analysis you have just completed . Submit your completed workbook to the Dropbox . Make sure you post a comment about what you learned when submitting the file . 1 . ==============================================

BIS 155 iLab 4 Student Education Trust Create Address Labels ( New )

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You work with the Student Education Trust , which allows you to demonstrate your expertise with Excel . The trust is sponsoring an auction , and you have received a list of all donors who have contributed to this auction . The list was pulled from their database as a comma-separated text file . You have been asked to create a letter that will go out to each of the contributors that will accept their donation . Tickets to the event will be enclosed . The letter requires that you provide the following pieces of information .