BIS 155 Course Great Wisdom / BIS 155 Course Great Wisdom / | Page 7
b. Enter formulas in cells B6, B7, and B8 to calculate the total
sales, total cost, and net income for a new product line, based on the
projected unit sales, unit price and unit cost provided.
Adjust column widths as needed and format all values except
unit sales as currency with no decimal places.
d. Complete the one-variable data table under the heading “Effect
of Varying Unit Sales on Total Sales, Total Cost, and Net Income” to
calculate the total sales, total cost and net income for projected sales
of 80, 90, 100, 110, and 120 units.
Complete the two-variable data table under the heading
“Effect on Net Income of Varying Unit Sales and Unit Price” to
calculate the net income for projected sales of 80, 90, 100, 110, and
120 units at unit prices of $4, $5, $6, $7, and $8.
Format cells A3 – B8 with a thick box border.
. Format the one-variable data table with themed cell style. Make
sure the Initial values, Total Sales, Total Cost and Net Income have an
accent color.
h. Format the two-variable data table with a themed cell style.
Make sure the initial values for the horizontal and vertical have an
accent color.
Add conditional formatting to the one-variable data table.
Format the top 10% with green fill. Format the bottom 10% with red
Save your work (CTRL+s) and close.