BIS 155 Course Great Wisdom / BIS 155 Course Great Wisdom / | Page 5

the new columns. In the first row, label the new columns Customer First Name and Customer Last Name. After doing this, delete the original Customer Name column. Resize the columns. Convert the list of orders (A1 – J21) into an Excel table. Sort the table into descending order (highest to lowest) by Order Amount. Apply conditional formatting to the Order Amount column so that order amounts greater than $100 are highlighted in green. Convert the table back into a range. Create a pivot table on a new worksheet that uses Customer Country as the row field, Product as the column field, and the sum of Order Amount as the values. Place this sheet immediately after the Q3 sheet, labeled Q3-Pivot. Format the cells in the Pivot table using all borders with accounting or currency format with 2 decimal places. Add gridlines to the Pivot table. Save your work (CTRL+s) - (but leave it open to continue). 4. Data consolidation, analysis, and reporting (TCOs 5 & 9; 40 points) a. Group the four sheets Q4 East, Q4 Central, Q4 West, and Q4 Summary.