BIS 155 Course Great Wisdom / BIS 155 Course Great Wisdom / | Page 35

Image Description STEP 4: Create a Documentation Sheet You must document your worksheet with a professional-looking documentation sheet before Carina can reimburse you for your work. A. Insert a new worksheet and rename the sheet tab Documentation. B. Include the following on your documentation worksheet: Your name as author, date of creation, date of last modification, purpose. Create a Contents section that lists the sheets in the workbook and provides a brief description. C. Format the documentation worksheet using the same colors and font used in other worksheets and charts. D. Hide the gridlines on the Documentation Sheet using the Page Layout tab, Sheet Options group. E. Group the worksheets and create a custom footer with your name on the left, the page number in the middle, and the instructor's name on the right. F. Based on your analysis, do you think Carina should add another store to her chain? Why or why not? Provide a comment on the Documentation Sheet. Submit your completed workbook to the Dropbox. Make sure you post a comment about what you learned when submitting the file.