BIS 155 Course Great Wisdom / BIS 155 Course Great Wisdom / | Page 3

e. Add formulas to the Total Sales column to calculate the total sales for each product. f. Add a grand total at the bottom of the Total Sales column, in cell D8. g. Format the numbers in the Unit Price and Total Sales columns as accounting or currency format with a dollar sign and two decimal places. h. Create a 3-D pie chart on a separate sheet that displays the percentage of total sales for each product & the product name. (Do not include the grand total in the pie chart!). i. Make the title of the chart & the worksheet tab "Total Sales by Product". j. Place each product percentage of sales inside its pie slice. k. Place a legend for all products on the right side of the chart. l. Move the sheet named “Total Sales by Product” with the pie chart immediately after the Q1&Q2 sheet. m. Save your work (CTRL+s) - (but leave it open to continue). 2. Formulas and applications (TCOs 2 & 7; 40 points). On the Q1&Q2 sheet, in cell E8, add a formula using a lookup function that will look up the grand total in cell D8 in the table of sales and assessments in A11:B13, and display the corresponding assessment. Use a range lookup. (For example, if the grand total of $12,500 is displayed in cell D8, "Good" should be displayed in cell E8.)