Birth, life, and death of a star jul.2015 | Page 8

In fact, Massive stars live shorter lives than less massive stars. Larger stars, have higher pressure, higher temperature and hence, higher rate of burning fuel (helium). Whereas, Low mass lives are measure their lives with 10 billions to trillions of years, massive stars measure their lifetimes with only millions years

How long do stars usually live?


The most common type of stars in the universe. There are red, dim, small stars and the nearest to the Sun. There mass is ½ to 1/10 of the sun mass, with a surface temperature reaches 7,000 Fahrenheit. Yet because they are very faint, red dwarfs cannot be seen with the naked eye.

They are very large stars, extremely bright stars. They could reach up to 20 times the mass of sun and 10,000 times more luminous, with surface temperature average 45,000 Fahrenheit.