A star is born when a cloud of dust and hydrogen gas, known as Nebulae is squeezed under the pressure of gravity. Each contracting cloud may form a few dozen to thousands stars this process is called accretion. To form a middle star, like our sun, it takes clump of gas and dust a 100 times size of our SOLAR SYSTEM. In fact, these clouds start off their lives cold with a temperature few thousands below zero Fahrenheit. As gravity compresses the cloud more and more, the heat begins to sore. Within few 100 thousand years the cloud spins into a flatten disc. Due to rotation, the center of the disc turns into a sphere, where heat rises to million degrees. This hole glowing system is now known as a Protostar. When a protostar reaches a critical temperature of about 10 million degrees “thermodynamic fusion” occurs. Despite the fact that there are a numerous kinds of stars, all stars are born in the same way, regardless they decide to fade away or explode.
The flatten disc dust that is formed bec of gravity
A protostar is formed
The birth of a star
if it reaches the critical temp., nuclear fusion occurs and a star is formed