Birding Trail Las Pavas Hotel Campo Verde, Arenal, CR Self guided The Guans 1.3 ENG internet | Page 6

Self-guided Nature Trail Astrocaryum alatum A recaceae Palm that reaches 4m in height with trunk and fruits covered with thorns, so it is easily identificable. The seeds are dispersed by rodents, specifically by the Sciurus granatensis squirrel. The squirrel buries the fruit to eat it in times of scarcity, which allows the germination of the same if the adequate conditions are given. The hard shell of the fruit (exocarp) is used to make jewelery pieces. The Guans The Guans Chachalaca cabecigrís Gray-headed chacahlaca Station 4 - Coquillo Palm Ardilla colirroja Red-tailed squirrel Soterré de costillas barreteadas 6 Self-guided Nature Trail Stripe-breasted Wren Trepador cabecirrayado Station 5 - Bloodwood Pterocarpus hayesii Fabaceae The sap of this plant, when it comes into direct contact with the atmo- sphere, turns blood-colored, hence its Streak-headed Sargento common name Bloodwood or Drag- woodcreeper Passerini´s Tanager on´s Blood The sap has medicinal properties, being used to cure gingivitis. This tree hosts the Morpho butterfly, the famous blue butterfly, where adults lay eggs and larvae feed on their Mariposa Morpho leaves. Morpho Butterfly 7